Aria’s Winnie the Pooh theme newborn studio session

I love having a gorgeous session to plan so when Aria’s Mummy said she would like a Winnie the Pooh theme session in Plymouth I was SO excited! All photo sessions are bespoke and I always like to plan something really special for you and your family in the studio.

knitted winnie the pooh disney newborn photos photoshoot plymouth devon baby emily munday monday photography photographer

This photograph is a composite image. Aria was posed in a black posing ring and in post production I edited her onto the shelf. This is so that she was kept perfectly safe and secure during her whole session in Plymouth. Newborn safety is SO important!

Since posting this photograph online I have had a few emails asking where I bought the outfit from! Thank you so much for your support!! The Winnie the Pooh romper and hat was knitting by myself. Purchases of new knitted rompers can be made via Knitted By Munday on Facebook.

cream black and white newborn photos photoshoot plymouth devon baby emily munday monday photography photographer

I loved it when Aria was on my posing beanbag. She gave me lots of funny frowns! Babies often spend some of their studio session awake. Check out my blog post on awake newborn sessions!

floral yellow girl newborn photos photoshoot plymouth devon baby emily munday monday photography photographer

I really like big floral patterns at the moment! They are really in fashion and highlight how perfectly tiny your new baby is! Did you know that I originally trained as a surface pattern designer at SMU before beginning a full time career in photography in Plymouth? When you come for your newborn session feel free to ask me about it!

chair posed lace cream beige newborn photos photoshoot plymouth devon baby emily munday monday photography photographer

Aria was 37 days old when she came for her studio session. Normally I photograph babies before they reach 21 days old but her Mummy and Daddy followed the newborn prep guide perfectly and she slept SO well! Doesn’t she look comfy?!

rabbit curls yellow purple newborn photos photoshoot plymouth devon baby emily munday monday photography photographer

I LOVE working as a Plymouth baby photographer and I love sharing some great family newborn sessions with you in my blog!

Are you interested in getting booked in for a newborn session in Plymouth? Please do get in touch with me or check out my Facebook page!