The person behind the camera in Plymouth!

Hello my name is Emily and I am the person behind the camera in Plymouth during your studio sessions. If you are hunting for me out on location I always say look out for the lady with the ginger top knot!

How did you come to live in Plymouth?

I come from a little place called Basingstoke in Hampshire. No one has ever heard of Basingstoke so I normally just tell people I am from Reading!

I went to university in Swansea in Wales and eventually returned to the Swansea area to take a job working in a well known photography studio.

My husband and I decided to relocate to Plymouth after he secured a job in the local area. We LOVE Plymouth and decided to set up home here! Who couldn’t fall in love with the beaches? We are so lucky to be surrounded by so much natural beauty!

Who is in your family?

I am married to sports writer David Munday. We have two beautiful little girls. They are hilarious and always up to mischief! We also have a cute Horsefield tortoise called Shelley!

emily munday photos photography monday david munday plymouth devon cornwall family photos studio session cuddles love young toddlers matching navy blue daddy mummy
Photo Credit: Imogen Askew

Who takes your family photos?

I really do love taking photos however I realised very quickly that I was getting lazy and was not taking as much time to photograph my own family. This is SO important to me. I really didn’t want to regret not getting stunning photos because I was too busy photographing everyone else!

The fantastic Imogen Askew has done several photo sessions with us. Despite my husband regularly appearing in interviews online he HATES having his photo taken. She has put up with his awkwardness in front of the camera and has taken some beautiful photos which I am proud to display on the wall.

I am really looking forward to our next family session with Imogen!

I hope it was interesting to read a little bit about the person behind the camera in Plymouth. For a really brief summary please have a look at my About Me page. Or follow me on Facebook or Instagram!

And maybe after reading this you are thinking that it is about time you had some family photos done? Please check out my blog for more of my studio work or get in touch!