Plymouth first time parents: 3 things you didn’t know about newborns!

Plymouth first time parents – it can be such a daunting time having a new baby join your family. There is so much that is unknown and Google has too many answers to choose from! Here are 3 things that I have learnt over my time being a parent (learn more about me here) and from being a baby photographer in Plymouth.

plymouth first time parents devon cornwall circle symmetry emily munday monday Lipson PL4 newborn photos baby studio photography photographer pink fluff white wrap cosy

1. Babies LOVE noise!

It is so easy to creep around the house when you have your tiny baby settled. But did you know that your baby has just spent 9 months in a very noisy womb? Every time your heart beats your baby can hear it. And every time you talk your baby can hear you. Your baby is very used to sleeping through noise and being moved around. This is often why newborns sleep so well when they are in the car. They are nice and cosy in their car seat and it is noisy!

During my newborn sessions I often use white noise to help settle your baby. This helps to avoid your baby from getting startled when the shutter clicks in my camera.

2. Babies only see in black and white

In those first few weeks your baby will only be able to see black, white and grey. Cells in your baby’s eyes are still developing after they come out of the womb. In fact a child’s eyesight hasn’t fully developed until they are 4 or 5 years old!

When your baby is a few weeks old they will start seeing bright primary colours such as red, blue and yellow. As parents we can help develop our children’s eyesight by showing bright and stimulating shapes.

In the studio I use continuous lighting. Despite your baby only being able to see a few inches and in black and white they are fully aware of the difference between light and dark. I avoid flash so as not to startle your baby. I want this to be a peaceful and relaxing experience for them. For more about my studio click here!

plymouth first time parents devon cornwall circle symmetry emily munday monday Lipson PL4 newborn photos baby studio photography photographer pink fluff white wrap cosy

3. Babies often have spotty skin

Babies have SO much going on! They are growing so quickly and as a result hormones are going a little crazy. Milia (also known as milk spots) are tiny white spots which develop under the skin. They are very common and normally disappear within a day or two. Erythema Toxic (or baby acne) is a red rash of spots across the body and face of your baby. Again this is very common and normally disappears within a few days.

I often have parents contacting me before a studio session as they are concerned about baby spots. Please do not worry. Baby spots can be edited out in post production. They are not contagious and your baby shouldn’t be experiencing any discomfort from them.

If you are ever concerned about your baby you must seek medical advice immediately.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog with some information for Plymouth first time parents! If you would like to book a baby photographer I would love to be considered. Taking baby photos is such a privilege – please contact me here. Of follow my Facebook and Instagram accounts for more of my newborn photography in Plymouth!